November 9, 2022

Following the Project program DDIBIORESIN consortium will have the 2nd Workshop Meeting on November 8th at Múrcia in Spain.

Hosted by EVERSIA SA the consortium members will have a full day of events in order to discuss the current projects status and define next steps.


EVERSIA SA hosted the 2nd Face to Face meeting at Murcia/Spain. After a fruitful meeting and exchange of ideas about further steps, strategy and discussion about DDIBIORESIN projects, EVERSIA invited the Consortium Members to visit the company facilities and get more knowledge about the processes, challenges and final product the company offers.


During this Workshop we are also to see several material that were in the scale and prototype phase specially the thermoformed and inject materials brought by TECNOPACKAGING.

Interested? Here follows some pictures of this Consortium deliverables.


Next Workshop ist set to Zaragoza and we are hope to present you more news and showcase products.